By: Omar Alhaza’a – Founder & CEO of Franchise Arabia
No matter what line of business you are in, your title or position, you are your own Brand. The question isn’t whether or not you have a personal Brand, it’s whether or not you like the Brand you already have.
Personal Branding impacts every one of us. Our ability or inability to build our own Brand will affect every aspect of our life and will determine how well we survive and thrive.
Our ability to reach the high ground and do well in life depends on our ability to build a strong personal Brand. Branding is not a job or a career; Branding is a way of life.
Building a personal Brand is a lifestyle. It is a marketing strategy focused on your most valuable product: YOU.
Your Brand communicates your value to the rest of the world in everything you do and stand for. In Personal Branding every single act counts, everything!
Everything you are, everything you say, and do either supports your Brand or takes away from it.
Everything you post, like, share, and comment on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube represent and impact your Brand value. You are what you share on social media, whether you're conscious of it or not. Your Brand is a reflection of who you are and what you do.
Remember: When you are online, you are in public, your Brand is being watched and evaluated - Act accordingly.
Whether you are a student, director, taxi driver, or a big shot entrepreneur, your personal Brand is always on display, whether you are online or offline, working or playing, you are Branding yourself every step of the way. The way you look, act, walk, eat, smell, and treat others is Branding.
SEE YOURSELF AS A BRAND BECAUSE YOU ARE ONE. The power of Personal Branding is undeniable. Be aware of it. Grow it. Master it.
You can either ignore your Brand, and let it develop organically, chaotically, beyond your control, or you can consciously build it and portray the image you want the world to see.
Your Personal Brand is one of the biggest and most important investments you are ever going to make. Investing in YOU today will boost your value and reduce the cost of success tomorrow.
The harsh reality is, those who do not have a strong Personal Brand, soon fall away; those who do, will always shine, and lead the way.
Achievement is not what we do ... It is who we are and ultimately who we aspire to become!